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Carbon Fiber

Small Batch Manufactured Fixtures for Drone Chassis

Vishwastratis LLP helped a large OEM in manufacturing multiple quantity fixtures to make and customised and innovative drone design.

Challenge : To make fixtures with ready to use metal inserts in multiple quantities.

Technology used: Continuous Carbon Fiber- Markedforged Mark2

Material: Onyx + Reinforced Carbon Fiber

Duration: 15-18 Day for 136 parts.

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A Long battery life drone

One of our clients wanted to innovate a drone design, they wanted to make a light wait drone with long battery life. To create a chassis of that drone they made frame from PVC pipes and to assemble that PVC Pipe and to complete the chassis they come to us.

Developing the prototype

To create the fixtures for we suggested to use Continuous Carbon Fiber technology as its light weight material and gives strength of aluminium.

We 3D Printed Multiple parts and in multiple quantity with post production and metal inserts for screwing purpose.

The whole Small Batch Production was 3D printed with Onyx + Reinforced Carbon Fiber material, that increases the strength and minimalised breakage as the material is stiff, rigid and light weight.
To made it reusable and easy to assemble we give it with metal inserts.

To prototype your product, get in touch with us at info@vishwastratis.com or call us on 9909216661 to start your project today!

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