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Low-Volume Vacuum Casting Services

Diligence Clubbed with skills assures only excellence

Vacuum Casting is extensively used to create functional prototypes for marketing and consumer testing or production parts for lower volume, making it ideal for businesses seeking Vacuum casting services to meet diverse manufacturing needs.

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Photo showing mold and prototype in vacuum casting - Vacuum casting services
Photo of closed mold in vacuum casting process - Vacuum casting services Photo of open mold with prototype in vacuum casting - Vacuum casting services

At Vishwastratis, it’s all about innovation and precision. We employ our best tools to help you create what you want, in the most efficient and optimum manner. Low-volume vacuum casting services in Surat is one such service. It is an iteration technique used for producing samples or versions of functional plastic parts, through the use of silicone moulds. Its catch is the silky smooth, fine surface finish. Its ability to cast complex shapes with thin walls enables us to make a quick high-quality prototype or end-use product.


Bear lower costs and quick turnaround times.


Along with the economy of scales, manufacture parts in low volume from one to hundreds.


Parts can be made in flexible or rigid plastics and No post processing or finishing required.

Best for batch production, it is quite significant in bringing out the economies of scale.

Vacuum Casting is one such service. It is an iteration technique used for producing samples or versions of functional prototypes for functional plastic parts, through the use of silicone moulds. Its catch is the silky smooth, fine surface finish. Its ability to cast complex shapes with thin walls enables us to make a quick high-quality prototype or end-use product. These tests, be it mechanical or visual, require vacuum casting for functional prototypes without incurring a large cost and time delay.

Mirror and duplication mode in vacuum casting - Vacuum casting services