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A Resembling Memento of an Equipment!

Vishwastratis LLP helped a large OEM in developing a miniature of their equipment to create a Memento for their achievements.

Challenge : To create a miniature of equipment in multiple quantities.

Technology used: DLP – Figure 4 + Post-processing

Material: Tough Grey 15

Duration: 6 Days

A Memento of Achievements

One of our client’s requirements was to create a customized trophy – A memento resembling their company.

They come up with an idea to create a miniature of one of their engineering equipment – Glass Lined Equipment

Developing the prototype

To create the miniature, the equipment got reversed engineered first and a Design Model (CAD file) was created. As it was having fine details and needed to replicate with at most accuracy, we suggested 3D print it with DLP technology.

DLP – Figure 4 was the best fit in all the requirements and timelines of 8 Days given by clients.

The final outcome was an exact replica of the equipment design and also it got delivered in 6 working days only!

To prototype your product, get in touch with us at info@vishwastratis.com or call us on 9909216661 and start your project today!